Sunday, August 3, 2008

Value of a Church Family / Young Adult Ministry

The Value of a Church Family for a Lead Pastor
In recent weeks I have found great value in the prayer team that is interceding before each service. Typically, I only spend a few minutes with them, but that short amount of time gives me a lot of spiritual confidence and encouragement for the service ahead. On Sunday, I went through my typical process with them, but before I left the group a woman spoke up and asked to pray specifically for me. She had recognized something in my life in which I needed confidence. As she and others in that group lovingly prayed words of
encouragement and blessing, I was touched by the thought of "community." Even though God has given me a certain level of authority and headship in this church community, I was still receiving ministry from me fellow brothers and sisters. God has placed pastors to not only lead a church, but to be part of a faith community. Sunday morning was a great reminder that I am part of a family, not just a paid professional.

College / Young Adults
For the last two Sunday nights Beth and I have been leading the College / Young Adult group at our house. We have had a really good turnout, and we have really enjoyed getting to know this great group of young people. This is our third time to work directly with this age group, and though it has unique challenges, I love this age group.


Margot said...

Tha is so awesome. It seems like it can be so easy to just forget that this is a family....That we are all family, and one. I just love it, and everyone at Indian Lake! You are an amazing man Pastor Aaron, never evvverrrr forget it!! =)

Aaron Allison said...

Margot - You definetly have the gift of encouragement. So glad we are going to start the group with our seniors - we are going to call it "Lead Now."